Saturday, September 6, 2014



When was Joel prophesying? No one knows for sure. Nevertheless, his brief prophecy displays God great desire to pour out His Spirit upon all people. The fact that neither Joel himself revealed nor Bible scholars determined the date the book (with assurance) makes it a book for all ages. Peter proved this on the day of Pentecost, when he quoted Joel 2:28-32 in his very first sermon (Acts 2:17-21). Paul reaffirmed it when he quoted Joel 2:32 in Romans 10:13. 

Joel’s original prophecy came as God’s response to a natural disaster: a proverbial plague of locusts had marched through the land and decimated all living things. Joel describes the assault as though the bugs were soldiers of an invading nation. 

Whenever such things occur, God says, God’s people have an opportunity to repent (1:13f) and cry out to the Lord. “Return to me with all your heart,” God says (2:12-13), “for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.”

As the people fast and pray and turn back to the Lord, the Lord makes a new promise, not just for the poor people who had lost their crops to locusts, but for God’s people of all times and places. Read Joel 2:18-27 for a description of God’s restoration, then read Joel 2:28-32 for God’s ultimate restoration through the outpouring of His Spirit!

This outpouring will lead to the final judgment of all nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat, which means “judgment.” This judgment is bookended by heavenly signs (2:31; 3:15), but the result is a renewed relationship between God and His people.

“Judah will be inhabited forever and Jerusalem through all ages!”  

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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