Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hosea 4-6  

Now, for the rest of Hosea, remember this: Hosea lived his prophecies personally. God told him to marry, love and pursue an adulterous wife, so that he would know first-hand something of what God feels for his wayward people.

In these chapters, Hosea prophesies in earnest. Throughout, though he is speaking condemnation upon Israel, Judah is never far from his mind. Israel is about to be judged, Judah take warning! 

In chapter 4, Hosea reads out the indictment against Israel: There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgement of God in the land (4:1). People and priests alike have gone after false gods. Over and over again, Hosea charges them with a “spirit of prostitution!” In chapter 5, Hosea pronounces God’s judgment on Israel; she will be “laid waste” and “torn to pieces” (59, 14). Chapter 6 begins with what sounds like repentance, but soon we discover that it is not. It is only the outward appearance of repentance. In response, God says: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and an acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings.” (6:6)

And so it is today. God wants so much more than rote religious exercises and entertaining comfortable worship services. God wants a continual acknowledgement of His presence, His love, and His mercy!

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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