Friday, September 5, 2014


Hosea 12-14

In these final chapters of God’s prophetic word through Hosea, we hear the Lord pleading with His people. He addresses them by several different names, and it can be confusing. But whether He calls them Israel, Jacob, Ephraim, Gilead, or even Judah, God is crying out for His people to turn back to Him.

In Hosea 12, He reminds them of Jacob’s deceptive ways, and how Jacob struggled with God and found His favor. Act like your forbearer, Jacob, God seems to say! But the people have bitterly provoked Him instead (12:14).

But “I am the One who brought you out of Egypt,” God says twice in these chapters (12:9; 13:4). “You should acknowledge no savior but me!” Yet they piled their idolatries high, and stored up their guilt. God cannot ignore it! They will bear their guilt (13:16).

Nevertheless, there shines rays of hope! If only God’s people will “return to the Lord” (14:1)! They will say to Him, “Forgive all our sins” (14:2). They will turn from their idols (14:3). God will heal them (14:4)! God will ransom them from the power of the grave (13:14)! And God’s people will, once again, live in the shade of His glory (14:6).

Some of Hosea’s final words are very simple: “Who is wise? He will realize these things.” (14:9)

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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