Tuesday, October 7, 2014


October 7, 2014

Matthew 20-23

During the course of today’s reading, we enter into Jesus’ final week before his death and resurrection; “Palm Sunday” is described at the beginning of chapter 21. The events of these chapters, as well as Jesus’ teaching, seem to have “end times” application. They prepare us for Jesus’ teaching at the beginning of tomorrow’s reading, when he discusses the end times and his glorious return in some detail from the top of Mt. Olivet, in full view of the temple in Matthew 24! 

In chapter 20, we read what Jesus’ taught and did on the Jericho Road leading up to Jerusalem. He reminds them again of his upcoming suffering, death and resurrection. He teaches them not to begrudge those who enter the kingdom at the 11th hour (vv. 1-16), and not to fuss with one another about places of honor in the coming kingdom (vv. 20-28). Just outside of Jericho, he heals two blind men! Though he has important work to do in Jerusalem, he always had time for the humble cry, “Have mercy on us!”

In chapter 21, Jesus enters Jerusalem to the crowd’s cries, “Hosanna!” and heads to the temple to turn things up-side-down. Among other things, this is a foreshadowing of Christ’s second­ coming as conquering King and Judge! Though his authority is questioned by the chief priests and elders, Jesus authority is confirmed by the withered fig tree (vv. 18-22) and the powerful parables he tells. In the parable of the wicked tenants, Jesus identifies Himself as the “Stone that the builders rejected,” which becomes “the chief Cornerstone!” (Psalm 118:22-23).

Matthew 22 outlines the priorities of the kingdom. We subjects of the King say “yes” to the King’s invitation (vv. 1-14). We are subject to earthly authorities, but ultimately subject to the Heavenly King (vv. 15-22). And our service to Him does not end with our physical death (vv. 23-33). The work our King gives us to do is unchanged since God inspired the books of Moses; we are called to love God and others (vv. 34-40). 

Today’s reading ends with Jesus’ harshest words to the proud religious leaders of His day. Their priorities have been wrong, fixated on the unimportant aspects of the law, they “have neglected the weightier matters: Justice, mercy and faithfulness (Matthew 23:23). As a result, they have rejected Jesus, their Messiah, as well.

Tomorrow, we see what we can learn about the end times!

Your fellow pilgrim through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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