October 11/12, 2014
Mark 4-7
In these four chapters, Jesus’ identity begins to crystalize in our minds as readers.
In chapter four, Mark introduces us to Jesus’ authoritative, yet mysterious, teaching through pictures (like the lamp on the stand) and parables (like those about seeds). Jesus says that he uses parables to misdirect the unbelievers and to feed those who do believe (4:11-12).
This leads to four miracles that simply shout the divinity of Christ. At the end of chapter four, Jesus calms the storm at sea with a command. The disciples wonder “Who is he?” (4:41), but we are beginning to be sure. In chapter five, Jesus releases a demon-possessed man from the grip of a “legion” of them, sends them into a herd of pigs. They rush into the sea and die! Mark then describes the famous “miracle on the way to a miracle. “My daughter is dying,” the synagogue ruler says, and Jesus went with him. Along the way, a hemorrhaging woman touches the edge of Jesus’ robe and is healed. Jesus notices, stops and commends the woman’s faith. This delay makes him too late to save the dying daughter, but Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.” (5:36) He raises her from the dead! As clear as Jesus’ identity is to us readers, the people in Jesus’ home town reject him (6:1-6).
It’s at this point that we begin to understand the cost of discipleship: hard work and rejection. Jesus sends out the Twelve, two by two—the good news requires such work. John the Baptist is beheaded—carrying the good news can be dangerous. At the end of a long day of teaching, Jesus feeds the 5000—despite the work, Jesus provides! In the midst of another storm, Jesus walks across water to calm both the disciples’ fears and the raging winds—no matter what, we can count on Christ’s presence!
In chapter seven, Jesus is confronted by the Pharisees, but believed on by a Gentile woman! And at the end of today’s reading, Jesus opens the ears and loosens the tongue of a man who was deaf and mute.
Are we among those who believe, who strive to understand the parables, who receive the miracles, who cling to Christ’s presence in the storms of life? Then, despite the trials, let your loosened tongues proclaim his love!
Your fellow pilgrim through the New Testament,
Pastor Gary
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