Jeremiah 30-33
If Jeremiah 29 was God’s letter of hope to God’s people in exile, Jeremiah 30-33 are God’s promises of hope beyond the exile to a complete restoration. But, even as read these chapters, we sense that Jeremiah is speaking of a further, ultimate restoration that involves much more than bringing the Israelites home and restoring the kingdom. As you read, look for the spiritual restoration that is only possible through Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit! Here are some of the promises that “look beyond:”
The restored people of God will serve “David their king, whom [God] will raise up for them.” David is dead, so this is David’s descendant: Jesus! (30:9)
The Lord will gather and shepherd and ransom and redeem and refresh his people; and this was realized in Jesus! (31:10-14, 25)
The Lord will, Jeremiah promises, make a New Covenant with His people, one that will cause the Law to be written in their minds and on their hearts, one that will make possible forgiveness and an intimate relationship with God. This, God accomplished through Jesus and the Holy Spirit! (31:33-34; 32:38-41)
The Lord will cleanse and forgive. The Lord will bring abundant prosperity and peace (33:8-9) through the Righteous Branch of David’s line, even the Messiah, the Lord Our Righteousness! (33:14-16)
These amazing promises were only partly fulfilled in Israel’s return from exile; they were completely and spiritually fulfilled in Jesus Christ!
Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,
Pastor Gary
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