Monday, August 4, 2014


Jeremiah 7-10

“Stand at the gate of the Lord’s House and there proclaim this message!” (Jer. 7:2) 

This introduces a series of temple messages. Imagine the boldness to stand at the temple gate and declare its destruction. Jeremiah says that if the people are trusting in the “temple of the Lord” (7:4) to save them, they should travel up to Shiloh and see what’s become of the an earlier place of worship (7:12) after the people had turned to idolatry and wickedness. Even if they multiply their sacrifices, it will not help them if they do not obey (7:21-23). 

The depth of their disobedience becomes clear: the people have set up detestable idols (7:30), they have rebuilt idolatrous high places (7:31), and, worst of all, they have sacrificed their sons and daughters in the Valley of Ben Hinnom on the outskirts of Jerusalem. God’s only response to this is their destruction...

...and desecration. Read the first 3 verses of Jeremiah 8: bones of highly regarded leaders everywhere, exposed to the sun, moon and stars, which—by the way—they had worshipped in God’s place. God’s people are more like dead bones than living beings!

Jeremiah 8:4—9:11 is a poetic rendering of the same things: Israel’s sinfulness, arrogance, corruption and punishment. And their wicked leaders say, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.” (8:11) In the end, “Jerusalem will be a heap of ruins.” (9:11)

Why is all this happening? They have followed the stubbornness of their own hearts; they have followed false gods, instead of obeying the One True God. (9:13-14) The rest of Jeremiah 9 instructs the people to teach their children how to wail (9:20); they will have reason to.

Jeremiah 10 is one last message to the people coming to the temple, pleading with them to see the worthlessness of idolatry, begging them to worship incomparable Lord of Israel. Nevertheless, it appears, destruction is coming. How much of this could have been written for America. Is the destruction God promised to Israel, coming nearer to us? God have mercy! 

Tomorrow, we see that the tension continues to mount, as Jeremiah preaches.

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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