Nehemiah 5-7
Two features of Nehemiah worth noting:
It’s his journal. That alone makes it a fun read; the first person pronouns make me feel like I’m there, a part of the action. A good leader keeps careful records! And speaking of records, look at the lists of returning exiles in Nehemiah 7:5-73!
It’s a prayer journal. Nehemiah pauses every once in a while to shoot up a prayer to the Lord. I call these “arrow prayers;” quick and to the point! Two examples: Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for these people! (Nehemiah 5:19) But now, O God, strengthen my hands! (Nehemiah 6:9). A good leader prays at the drop of a hat!
At the beginning of our reading for today, we learn even more from Nehemiah about leadership:
A good and godly leader responds to injustice. The situation in Nehemiah 5 has to do with indebted Israelites being sold into slavery. God had made provisions for this in Deuteronomy, and Nehemiah holds them to it!
A godly leader is generous. At the end of Nehemiah 5, we read the specifics of Nehemiah’s selfless generosity with the people. Greed and servant leadership do not mix!
A good leader is not easily distracted. When the wicked Sanballat and Geshem call for a meeting, Nehemiah responds, “I am doing a great work and cannot come down.” (Nehemiah 6:3). What stick-to-it-tive-ness!
A good leader responds to false accusations. When these opponents accuse Nehemiah of strengthening Jerusalem for the purpose of rebellion, he denies it (Nehemiah 6:8) and prays!
A good leader sniffs out conspiracy. Nehemiah correctly discerns that Sanballat and Geshem are behind a request from another man to meet with Nehemiah in the temple.
A good leader finishes the job! In just 52 days, Nehemiah and the people finished the walls of Jerusalem and silenced their enemies!
A good leader delegates. Nehemiah followed up the work by appointing leaders and guards to keep an eye on things.
Tomorrow, we will see how Nehemiah and Ezra lead the people in renewing their covenant with God!
Reading this stuff makes me want to be a better leader!
Your brother,
Pastor Gary
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