Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Nehemiah 3-4

All good and godly leaders build teamwork.

This may be the first step in diffusing opposition. If God’s people can work together with one spirit and one mind, they can do just about anything. In Nehemiah’s case, the “anything” was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The teamwork required for such a task is not built in a vacuum; it requires organization. 
Good leadership is not afraid of organization.  
(Anyone who knows me knows that “organization” is not my strong suit. But I have learned to strive for it. Many years ago, a godly district superintendent of mine said, “Being organized is one way to show love to your people.” What might disorganization say?)  In any case, Nehemiah was organized. Just read through Nehemiah 3 with a eye to the beautiful, organized symmetry of the rebuilding effort; each family had its own section of the wall to work on. To read the chapter is to take a trip around the city!
A good and godly leader helps his people face opposition.
We’d already been introduced to the “opponents” in Nehemiah 2:19, when Sanballat and Geshem jeered and despised the Israelites for what they intended to do. Here in Nehemiah 4, the opposition gets serious: Questions, mockery, threats and subversion. What does Nehemiah do? What does anyone do when leading a beleaguered people in doing the Lord’s work?
  • He prays (Nehemiah 4:4-5)
  • He sets a guard (Nehemiah 4:9, 13, 15-20) He accompanied prayer with action. This makes me think of the old World War 1 song: “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!”
  • He encourages the people (Nehemiah 4:14-15).
  • And he works all the harder (Nehemiah 4:21-23).  
Will the wall ever be finished?
Tomorrow, we shall see!
Pastor Gary

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