Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Leviticus 11-15

I used to make fun of chapters like these in the Bible; they sound like guidelines for amateur doctors. And to some extent, they are. There is a wonderful volume entitled, None of These Diseases, by S. I. McMillen and David Stern (both physicians), which details the health secrets of the Bible. Originally written over 50 years ago, it has been updated for the 21st Century reader. Some of the very things that sound so “strange and interesting” in these and other chapters in the Pentateuch contain God’s pre-medical science and health guidelines for God’s people. Back when I first read it, I found it affirming of God wisdom and watch-care for God’s people.

For example, I do not think that it is a coincidence that scavengers and bottom feeders are listed among the unclean animals in Leviticus 11. God’s wisdom guided them to healthier eating, purification practices and detailed directions for both handling skin conditions and house conditions, like mildew. Having dealt with toxic mold in our previous parsonage, I can appreciate the wisdom in God’s words.

Much of what God prescribed, if followed, helped God’s people to be ahead of their time and very different from the cultures around them!

Tomorrow, we experience the day that really separates the people of God: the “Day of Atonement.”

Until then,
Pastor Gary

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