Exodus 25-27
Reading these chapters with a readable Bible commentary (or even a good study Bible) can help us mightily.
During Moses’ forty days and forty nights on Mt. Sinai, God revealed to him a special pattern for worship, the focus of which is animal sacrifice. I know how detestable this sounds and seems to us today, but remember two things:
Many of the cultures around God’s people practiced human sacrifice.
God designed this worship center (The Tabernacle) to teach His people the principle of atonement and the price of sin: death. Every feature and piece of furniture in the Tabernacle has both a practical function and symbolic meaning, pointing, ultimately, to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
After we are introduced to the materials that will be needed for these things, God reveals the design of the most important piece: the Ark of the Covenant, the gold-overlaid box, and its lid, the Atonement Cover (Mercy Seat—KJV). This will occupy the very spot where God will meet with His people: the inner room of the Tabernacle called the “Holy of Holies.” After this come instructions for the “bread” table, the lampstand (Both of which will be placed in the room just outside the “Holy of Holies”), the Tabernacle (tent) itself, the altar outside the tent, and the courtyard surrounding it all.
Believe me, we’ll be reading a lot more about these things.
Until tomorrow, when we consecrate priests,
Pastor Gary
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