Friday, September 26, 2014


Zechariah 7-8

The “night visions” are over; here are slightly more traditional prophecies.

Chapter 7 contains a “word from the Lord” that arrived just after some people came to him, wondering if they should continue to observe a fast in the fifth month of the year. God wonders: “Where you really fasting for me? Or were your fasts like your feasts, just for you? The question isn’t whether or not to fast, but how to live a righteous life. Try these questions on for size: Do you administer justice? Do you show mercy and compassion? Do you oppress widows, orphans, foreigners or the poor? Do you think evil of each other? Those are the important questions; these are my priorities.”

Chapter 8 contains one of the most powerful series of promises in the Bible to God’s people, the Jews. It’s better to read it aloud that to write about it here. Ten times (count them!) Zechariah repeats the words: “This is what the Lord [Almighty] says!” Ten words, to match the Ten Commandments! These words are ten blessings, ten incredible promises to the remnant of Israel, the returnees from exile, designed to affirm and encourage the people. God’s priority is a restored Israel!

Your fellow pilgrim through the prophets,

Pastor Gary

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