Thursday, September 25, 2014


Zechariah 5-6

Zechariah’s final three “night visions!”

The Flying Scroll. (5:1-4) Zechariah sees a large flying piece of papyrus; it’s a symbol of the Law of God judging sin and idolatry wherever it goes! Like Deuteronomy 28:15-68 reminds us: there are consequences for disobedience!

The Woman in a Basket. (5:5-11) Zechariah sees a basket of wickedness. When it is opened, there’s a woman inside! She represents Judah awash in wickedness. Then two more women with wings come and fly the basketful of Judah and her sin to Babylon. It’s not hard to figure out what this vision is about!

Four Chariots. (6:1-8) These four chariots with different colored horses remind us of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation 6. Both there and here in Zechariah, judgment is depicted!

The rest of Zechariah 6 is a word from the Lord: the priestly Joshua of Zechariah 3 should also be crowned king. This priest was of David’s line, and prefigures the perfect Priest/King, Yeshua, otherwise known as Jesus Christ! Read Zechariah 6:9-15; can’t you see how the prophet’s words go beyond the “Joshua” of his day? 

Tomorrow, we learn of the Lord’s priorities.

Your fellow pilgrim through the prophets,

Pastor Gary

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