Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20/21 Jude

December 20/21, 2014


Who was Jude? Jude is short for Judas. There was a disciple named Judas, other than the one who betrayed Jesus (Luke 6:16; Acts 1:13). And Jesus had a half-brother named Judas (See Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3). Most identify this letter with Jude, the brother of Jesus. At the beginning, he identifies himself as “a brother of James,” Jesus most famous brother, who was the leader of the Jerusalem church.

Jude wants to write about salvation (v. 3), but instead finds it necessary to write about a false teaching, probably the same false teaching John described in his letters. This brand of Gnosticism “exchanges the grace of God for a license for immorality and the denial of Christ as sovereign Lord” (v. 4). Jude has nothing nice to say about these heretics, but encourages his readers to persevere, to build themselves up in the most holy faith, and to pray in the Holy Spirit (v. 20).

The final two verses of this short letter form one of the most beautiful doxologies and benedictions in the Bible!

On Monday we begin the “home stretch,” the final book of the Bible: the Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John!

Your fellow traveler through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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