Monday, November 3, 2014


November 3, 2014

Acts 5-7

Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?

I have, on occasion, if only to appease my sons—or, most recently, my daughter-in-law, Marlie. It was “Expedition Everest” at the Animal Kingdom in Disney World. When we got on, no one told me that, at one point, we would come face-to-face with Bigfoot, and then ride most of the rest of it BACKWARDS! Up and down, back and forth, thrills and chills, great fear, and exuberant least when it was finally over.

The opening chapters of Acts are a roller coaster ride in and of themselves. Chapter 1 is the slow ascent, waiting for the Spirit to “drop.” In chapter 2, the Spirit falls; the thrill of the ride begins; God’s people overflow into the crowded streets of Jerusalem. They open up their mouths, and the crowds hear the gospel in their own languages. 3000 come to faith in Christ. People gather to hear the disciples’ teach. They share their possessions, they meet in homes, eat together, pray together, study the word, and have Holy Communion. Miracles happen, more come to faith, and the Spirit continues to fall! 

And then, in chapter 5, the roller coaster comes face to face with Bigfoot. A well-meaning couple conspires to look better than they are. They saw the accolades that Barnabas had received from selling a field he owned and giving the money to the Apostles for the poor, so they decided to follow suit. EXCEPT, they kept some of the money from their sales for themselves, and let everyone think they had given it all to the Apostles. First the husband, then the wife are stricken dead. “Great fear seized the whole church” (5:11), and the coaster rolls backwards. Then persecution begins; the apostles are arrested, but released by an angel the next day. Ups and downs! They go back to the temple to preach, are arrested, threatened and flogged! Around and around! There’s consternation in the church because some of the poor Greek Jewish widows are being overlooked in the daily food distribution. The church organizes to meet that need by electing more leaders. One of them, Stephen, is arrested and tried for the sake of the gospel. Up and down! He stands tall to witness to his faith in Jesus before the Jewish ruling counsel. But by the end of Chapter 7, Stephen is dead, stoned by the leaders of Israel. And Stephen died with Jesus in his eyes and forgiveness on his lips.

Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?

Your fellow traveler through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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