Saturday, November 29, 2014

NOVEMBER 26 2 Corinthians 10-13

November 26, 2014

2 Corinthians 10-13

Today, Paul speaks from the fire of his own experiences. He defends his ministry and his ways, but he refuses to “compare” himself with others (10:12f). He warns the Corinthians about false teachers, who declare a “different Jesus” that the one he had preached (11:4). He lists his many sufferings for the sake of the gospel (11:23f). He admits his many visions and revelations (12:1), but describes the “thorn in his flesh,” which God allowed him for the purpose of keeping him humble. But no matter how low, how weak, he got, he knew, “Christ’s grace was sufficient for him” (12:9). The weaker he grows, the stronger he becomes!

After all this, Paul turns his attention back to his readers. He speaks of visits; he gives them warnings. He encourages them to examine themselves. And he professes his desire to build them up (13:10).

Tomorrow is Galatians.

Your fellow traveler through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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