October 30, 2014
John 13-17
This is a big chunk of material, but it makes sense to read these five chapters in one sitting. Why? Because they give us the most detailed description of Jesus’ teaching on one particular night: Maundy Thursday. He does not, however, mention the institution of the Lord’s Supper, but this was well documented in the other gospels. What he does describe unveils the fullness of God’s love for us (13:1).
First, he gives them an object lesson, involving water, a basin, a towel and the disciples’ feet. Jesus performs a common servant’s task for each of them, including the reluctant Peter, to show them how they must serve one another. After identifying his betrayer and his denier, he reveals his “new” command: Love one another (13:34).
Then John records an extensive account of Jesus’ follow up teaching that evening, some of which was taught in the upper room, the rest of which may have been shared “along the way” to the garden of Gethsemane. Note, “Come now, let us leave,” at the end of chapter 14.
The major themes of this eleventh hour teaching include the promise of Jesus’ eternal presence with them, first through the Holy Spirit (Whom John names: the Comforter or Counselor, reflecting the Greek word: Paraclete—One called alongside us!), and finally through the “place” that Jesus will prepare for them (and us). Jesus speaks extensively about the marriage of love and obedience, how the two go hand in hand. He warns them of persecution, promises not to leave them as orphans and to give them ultimate joy.
These five chapters conclude with Jesus’ “High Priestly Prayer.” In this great intercession, Jesus prays to the Father for himself, for the disciples, and finally, for all who will believe in His Name. These words, at the end of the prayer allow us to hear all of Jesus’ Maundy Thursday words as though he were speaking to us, as well as to the Twelve. His specific prayer for us, however, is that we might be one, even as He is One with the Father.
What if you read these five chapters one more time, as if you were there to receive Jesus’ words for yourself?
Your fellow traveler through the New Testament,
Pastor Gary
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