Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Micah 3-5

Micah 3 continues God’s indictment against Israel and Judah: they have turned morality inside out, loving evil and hating good (3:2), they’ve abandoned justice (3:1-3), and they follow false prophets (3:5f). Soon they will cry out to the Lord, but he will not answer (3:4, 7). God’s silence will shame them and prepare them for judgment!

Micah 4 gives us a glimpse of God’s design and desire. God want to build a worship center for all people everywhere, not just the Jews. Micah foresees a time when the nations will stream to the mountain of God, be taught God’s ways and live in peace! Those considered the least, the lost and the last will become God’s remnant and will lead in His name!

Micah 5:1-5a describes the leader who will make the incredible picture of Micah 4 a reality. His name is Messiah, he will be born in Bethlehem. He will shepherd God’s flock. And He will be their peace!

Midway through verse 5, Micah reverts to—what’s for him—the present, and God’s immediate goals find a remnant and rid the land of idols! Ultimately, however, this will only be possible through Jesus, the Messiah, the Good Shepherd, the Judge of all!

Tomorrow, we complete Micah’s prophecy!

Your fellow pilgrim through the prophets,

Pastor Gary

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