Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Ezekiel 37-39

Ezekiel connected dem dry bones; Ezekiel connected dem dry bones,
Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry Bones; now hear the word of the Lord.

Toe bone connected to the foot bone
Foot bone connected to the heel bone
Heel bone connected to the ankle bone
Ankle bone connected to the shin bone
Shin bone connected to the knee bone
Knee bone connected to the thigh bone
Thigh bone connected to the hip bone
Hip bone connected to the back bone
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone
Shoulder bone connected to the neck bone
Neck bone connected to the head bone
Now hear the word of the Lord.

Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around.
Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around.
Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around.  Now hear the word of the Lord.

Back in Ezekiel 36, the Lord had promised, “I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees” (36:27). In Ezekiel 37, we are allowed to peek over Ezekiel’s shoulder and share a vision of how this will happen. God’s people are as dead as a valley full of bones. As Ezekiel speaks, the Lord breathes on these bones; they come together en-fleshed. He continues to speak; they come alive and form a vast army! This is what the Lord can do for His people! As you read this, remember that the words, Spirit, Wind and Breath, all reflect the same Hebrew word. This revived, restored, Spirit-filled people are the sheep the Good Shepherd will lead (37:24).

This restoration is so complete, that when an unknown, future enemy, named Gog, attacks God’s people, God will defend them and destroy this enemy (38-39)!

Tomorrow, we participate in Ezekiel’s vision of restored worship in Israel!

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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