Jeremiah 46-49
Here at the end of Jeremiah’s prophecy, we have a special word from God concerning Egypt and the lesser nations that surrounded Israel. Egypt had enslaved Israel for 400 years nearly a thousand years earlier. When Jeremiah wrote, Egypt was the “other” super power. Babylon was to the North and Egypt to the South. Some wanted to look to Egypt for help in resisting Babylon. Others, led by Jeremiah, knew that God wanted Israel to submit to Babylon. It happens that these two super powers faced off along the Euphrates River at the decisive battle of Carchemish around 605 B.C.
Egypt. The warnings and prophecies against Egypt cover an extended period of time from the battle of Carchemish to nearly 20 years after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. God warns them of Carchemish in Jer. 46:2-12, then of a much later danger, when the Babylonians threaten to attack Egypt itself.
Philistia. Jeremiah 47 warns the Philistines of an Egyptian invasion; precisely which Pharaoh at which time is uncertain.
Moab. Though descended from Lot, the nation of Moab (just southeast of Judah) had long been a thorn in Israel’s side. Jeremiah prophesies Moab’s destruction and disappearance as a nation. As you read Jeremiah 48, note all the references to “Chemosh,” the false god they worshiped. Chemosh will go into exile, Jeremiah says (48:7); the people will be ashamed of him (48:13); and those who trusted Chemosh will be destroyed (48:46).
Ammon. Also descended from Lot, the people of Ammon will suffer. Their god, Molech, will also “go into exile.” But Jeremiah’s prophecies against both Moab and Ammon end with hope: “Afterward, I will restore their fortunes!” (48:47; 49:6)
Edom. Though more closely related to Israel than Lot’s descendants, the nation of Edom (Esau, Isaac’s brother) will be completely destroyed and become an object of horror. (49:17-18)
Damascus, Kedar, Hazor & Elam. These nations will be weakened, damaged, emptied and—in some cases—abandoned.
Tomorrow, we read what God had to say about the nation He appointed to carried Israel into exile: Babylon!
Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,
Pastor Gary
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