Friday, August 1, 2014


Jeremiah 1-3

They’ve arranged our trek through the Bible so that, with a new month, a new book of the Bible arrives. During August, we will tackle four more prophets: Jeremiah, Lamentations (by Jeremiah), Ezekiel, and Daniel. By September, we will have completed the “Major Prophets,” named so because they are longer than the “Minor Prophets,” not more important.

Instead of waiting until chapter 6, like Isaiah, Jeremiah describes his call in the very first chapter. Notice, God called Jeremiah to this special ministry while still a youth. In fact, God says that Jeremiah had been appointed to this work before he was born. I receive this as a major Biblical encouragement to sanctify life in the womb!

When God calls Jeremiah, God tells him up front (as God told Isaiah) that the ministry would not be easy. God says, “I make you this day a fortified city, an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land.” (1:18) This is a good thing, for the people will fight against him! Wait till you read about it!

The first public prophecies of Jeremiah follow in chapters 2 and 3. It’s tough stuff. But, it’s especially tough on those who should know better. In Jeremiah 2:8, we read the first of many hard words against the spiritual leaders of Israel, who have “run after things that do not profit.” This has led the whole nation into idolatry, what Jeremiah constantly refers to as spiritual whoring and adultery. Continuously, Jeremiah calls the people to repentance: “Return, faithless Israel!” is the cry. If they repent, God will give them leaders (shepherds) after God’s own heart (3:15).

Let’s receive the call to repentance for ourselves. From what idolatry do we need to turn?

Tomorrow, Jeremiah’s plea for repentance continues!

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,
Pastor Gary

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