Thursday, July 17, 2014

JULY 17 ISAIAH 13-16

Isaiah 13-16

After the praises in Isaiah 12, the prophet switches gears. In Isaiah 13-21, we read oracles (words from the Lord) concerning the godless nations around Israel: Babylon (13-14a), Assyria (14b), Philistia (14c), Moab (15-16), Damascus (17), Cush (18, 20), Egypt (19-20), Assyria (19b), and a final word against Babylon (21).

Sprinkled in among these prophetic words are hopeful hints for God’s people and the Gentile inhabitants of some of these nations! 

Isaiah’s words against Babylon in Isaiah 13 are completely dismal and hopeless. But at the beginning of Isaiah 14, he inserts a word of hope for Israel: “The Lord will have compassion on Jacob and will again choose Israel, and will set them in their own land...” (14:1) He goes on to say that God’s people will turn the tables on their oppressors. In Isaiah 14:4, God says they will “taunt the King of Babylon.” Isaiah 14:4-21 is the text of that taunt. Notice how the prophet begins speaking to the King of Babylon, but by v. 12 seems to be taunting someone else. Who is it? Check the King James Version and you will see: “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” Verses 12-15 describe Lucifer’s pride, his desire to displace God, and his subsequent fall. What does this have to do with the King of Babylon? Simply this: the spirit of the enemy (Satan, the devil, Lucifer...) found a place in the Babylonian monarch’s heart, just as he found a place in Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Mussolini’s, Mao’s and the hearts of so many other despots!

Tough words tumble out of Isaiah’s mouth for Assyria, Philistia and Moab. In the midst of Moab’s oracle are these warnings against pride: “We have heard of the pride of Moab—how proud he is!—of his arrogance, his pride and his insolence; in his idle boasting he is not right. Therefore, let Moab wail for Moab...” (Isaiah 16:6-7).

The testimony of the Bible is unified: “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 3:34).

Tomorrow, we continue the roll call of the godless nations! Is there any hope for them?

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,
Pastor Gary

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