BLOG June 20, 2014
Psalms 104-106; today, we finish BOOK FOUR of the Psalms; the shortest of the five sections. These three extended psalms recall three important aspects of the history of God’s relationship with humans: CREATION, COVENANT and CONFESSION.
CREATION—Psalm 104 is a poetic meditation on God’s work in creation. Each of the six days of creation are represented: Day 1: Light (v. 2), Day 2: Heaven (v. 2), Day 3: Earth and vegetation (vv. 5, 14), Day 4: Sun and moon (v. 19), Day 5: Birds and sea creatures (vv. 17, 25), and Day 6: Animals (vv. 11, 12, 18, 20, 24, 27-30). The only omission is humanity, and, of course, it is a human being doing the meditating (34)!
COVENANT—Psalm 105 is an historical psalm describing God’s great Covenant (Promise) and his faithfulness in keeping it. After the opening praise, the psalmist reminds us of the Abrahamic Covenant, focusing on the promise of the Land of Canaan (vv. 7-11). Then the psalmist shows how each time the Covenant seems threatened, God comes through: When they were few in number (v. 12), when they were in danger from famine (v. 16), when they were slaves and sojourners in Egypt (v. 23f), and when they wandered in the wilderness (v. vv. 39-41). In every threatening time, “He remembered his holy Promise!” (v. 42)
CONFESSION—Psalm 106 is another historical psalm, tracing the story of Israel’s rebellion and sin: Both we and our fathers have sinned (v. 6)”, the psalmist confesses. Despite the faithfulness of God , as remembered in Psalm 105, God people rebelled by the sea (v. 7), forgot his works (v. 13), were jealous of Moses (v. 16), made a calf at Horeb (v. 19), despised the pleasant land (v. 24), yoked themselves to Baal (v. 28), and mixed with the nations around them (v. 35). Nevertheless, the Lord remained faithful! Read vv. 44-48 and thank God for his faithfulness and forgiveness.
Tomorrow, we begin BOOK FIVE, the last of sections of the Psalms. What wonderful psalms await us!
I am your fellow traveler through the Word,
Pastor Gary
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