Thursday, May 29, 2014

MAY 29 JOB 35-37

Job 35-37

ELIHU prepares to EXEUNT (stage right!)

Elihu has commanded CENTER STAGE for three chapters, but after one last shot at Job’s stubborn pride (Job 35), Elihu begins to point to the “coming of the Lord.” Yes, after multiple tragedies, many days of silence, followed by interminable philosophical discussions, God is coming! How do we know?

Beginning in the fifth chapter of Elihu’s speech-making, he begins to refer to God’s exalted power and greatness (Job 36:22, 26), likening them to God’s power in nature to pour down rain (Job 36:37-38), and cause thunder and lightning and violent storms. In chapter 37, Elihu’s last, this imagery gets stronger.

Here’s a list of his introductory cries:
  • Keep listening to the thunder of His voice, and the rumbling of His mouth!
  • Under the whole of heaven, He lets it go, and His lightning to the corners of the earth!
  • He thunders wondrously with His majestic voice!
To the snow He says: Fall to the earth! Likewise to the downpour, the mighty downpour!
AS if to say, look out, Job! Look out, friends! God is coming! God is approaching, every bit as certainly as you see this storm approach! And, sure enough, Job 38 begins: And the Lord answered Job out of the storm (the whirlwind) and said…

We’ll wait till tomorrow before parsing what God has to say. In the meantime, let’s remember: it’s out of the storm itself that God often choses to speak to His people! Through which storm is God speaking to you right now?

Your brother in the Word,
Pastor Gary

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