Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Esther 5-7

Today’s the day I have bi-lateral knee replacement. So, if you’re willing, shoot up a prayer for me, my doctor (Shiraz Patel), the surgical team, and—especially—Becky. Thank you so much!

I mentioned yesterday that today’s passage ends much worse for Haman than today will end for me (God-willing). Of course, there are no guarantees. And, for the record, if it’s my time, I’m ready to be with Jesus. But as long as He leaves me here, I want to serve Him!

Here’s how Haman “bought the farm.”

With much prayer support, Queen Esther approached the king with a request. Her plan was to work up to it. Initially, she simply asked the king to bring Haman to a scrumptious banquet she was preparing. At the meal, the king said, “Now what is it you want?” Esther replied, in so many words, “Please come again tomorrow to the feast I will prepare for you.”

Haman took great pride and much boldness in these invitations, but Mordecai’s presence at the palace gates made him mad all over again. His wife said, “Build a gallows to hang him on; that’ll make you feel better!” And Haman gave the order.

That night, the king couldn’t sleep and asked a servant to bring him the “Book of Memorable Deeds.” In it, he happened upon the account of Mordecai’s loyal report of the conspiracy. What honor has been accorded this Mordecai, he wondered. He asked Haman, “What should be done to honor the man the king delights in?” Thinking the king was referring to him, he gave an elaborate reply. When the king said: “Do what you’ve just described for Mordecai,” Haman was dumb-founded. He had to honor the man he intended to hang. Haman was mortified by Mordecai!

When Haman and the king showed up for Esther’s feast, the king asked Esther what he could do for her. Finally, she revealed her Jewish identity, her desperate plan and Haman’s plot. The king was incensed and had Haman hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai!

Once again, God raises up the humble (Mordecai) and brings down the proud (Haman).

Your fellow traveler through the Word,
Pastor Gary

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