Monday, April 21, 2014

april 21 2 chronicls 1-5

2 Chronicles 1-5

 Here is “a high and holy moment,” as Bishop Woodie White used to say.  

Sure, we’ve already read about the building of the temple in 1 Kings 5-8, but this time, we read through the eyes of a Levite, who was, perhaps, a priest. 

The first chapter highlights Solomon’s holiness. In those days, the pieces of the Tabernacle had become separated; David had carried the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, but the “tent of meeting” and the bronze altar were at Gibeon. Solomon went there to worship. That night, the Lord famously asked Solomon to ask Him for something, and Solomon asked for the wisdom to rule God’s people. God was so pleased with this unselfish request that He gave Solomon what he had NOT asked for as well: wealth and honor.

Solomon makes good use of both, as he obtains materials (chapter 2), builds the Temple (chapter 3), makes its furnishings (chapter 4), and places the Ark. When he does, did you notice that God somehow animates the gold-overlaid cherubim in the Holy of Holies? (2 Chronicles 5:8) They “spread out their wings” over the Ark! I suppose if God can make a donkey talk, He can make gold statues spread their wings! 

The holiest moment, however, is not when the cherubim spread their wings, but when the “glory of the Lord,” the cloud of His presence, filled the House! I still pray for the glory of the Lord to come to the temple. But now, the temple is the church and its individual members; and the glory is the presence of God’s Spirit! (1 Corinthians 3:16)

Your fellow Bible trekker,
Pastor Gary

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