1 Chronicles 17-21
The Lord’s Covenant with David was important in 2 Samuel. It has even more importance to the Chronicler, because of its connection with the “house of the Lord,” that is, the temple. At first, Nathan, David’s prophet, counseled David to build it. Then God gave Nathan a new word that might be summed up like this: The Lord says: “You may not build me house. But I will build you one (1 Chronicles 17:10), a house and lineage that will last forever. One of your sons will build the house for me!” David receives this word with another wonderful prayer.
In chapters 18-20, David’s victories over the pagan oppressive kingdoms around Israel are summarized. Four more giants are killed (1 Chronicles 20:4-8), but this time, David needs the help of his mighty men!
In chapter 21, the Chronicler shares just one negative story of David. David presumptively commands a census of his fighting force. God did not instruct him to do this; we must assume that David’s motives were wrong, that his census betrayed a momentary lapse of faith. God was displeased with this thing, the chronicler says. Why would the author, who has not told us anything of David faults, include this one mistake? The answer is in the punishment David asked for and God gave.
Given three choices, David chose to fall into the hands of the Lord, rather than be handed over to his enemies. So God sent a plague that took 70,000 people. The angel of the Lord desisted from working destruction at a very important spot: the threshing floor of Ornan, which David bought. This became the place where David built an altar to the Lord, and where Solomon would one day erect the temple!
Tomorrow, we get ready to build! Until then,
Pastor Gary
P.S. My promise still stands: Did you Mortonites notice the reference to Morton High School in 2 Chronicles 4? A dollar to anyone who comes up to me and points the reference out!
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