Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Joshua 9-12

Midway through Joshua 10, we read a summary of Israel’s conquests in the Promised Land, which continues through Joshua 12.  As we shall see, though their success was not complete, they were successful enough to establish their presence in the Promised Land for many hundreds of years.

Before that point, we read two more remarkable accounts. The first answers, in part, the question, “Why wasn't their success complete?”  It was because they were deceived by the Gibeonites.  These people were especially clever in their deception, disguising themselves as a people from a distant land; they tricked the Israelites into a treaty.  God had told them to destroy the nearer nations.  Though these people became the wood-cutters and water-carriers of God’s people, at least they were alive!  There is a kind of faith there; I, too, would rather be a water-boy in the house of God, than a leader in the kingdom of unrighteousness!

The second remarkable account is best titled, “The Day the Sun Stood Still!”   God made this happen—somehow—to give Joshua’s army more time to rout the Amalekites.  Moral:  God can do anything, if His obedient servants cry out to Him!

Until tomorrow,
Pastor Gary

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