Saturday, March 29, 2014

MARCH 29 2 SAMUEL 15-18

2 Samuel 15-18

To say that David was a “faulty father” might just be an understatement.

Yesterday, I reminded us that David’s son, Amnon took advantage of his half-sister, David’s daughter, Tamar. The Bible says that “David was furious” about this (2 Samuel 13:21), but nowhere do we read that David ever did anything about Amnon’s sin!

David’s son and Tamar’s brother, Absalom, took note of this. After two years, taking matters into his own hands, he arranged for Amnon’s murder. Though Absalom fled, he needn’t have worried; David would not have held him accountable for his actions. Absalom, who was said to be exquisitely handsome, (2 Samuel 14:25) was David’s favorite.

So, after three years, Absalom returned and began to undermine David’s rule. After a few more years, he garnered enough support to attempt a coup, forcing David to evacuate Jerusalem. There is a vivid picture of David leaving the city, climbing the Mount of Olives, weeping. (This is the same place from which Jesus would enter Jerusalem weeping on Palm Sunday—Luke 19:37-44.)

David’s exile and Absalom’s revolt led to civil war. David did everything he could to fight the war without injuring his rebellious son, but, in the end, Absalom was mercilessly speared to death while hanging in a tree by his long beautiful hair.

David, a failed father, was inconsolable.  Lord, help us to learn from David’s mistakes!

Until tomorrow,
Pastor Gary

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