Friday, February 7, 2014


Leviticus 18-20

On this day, in 1929, my dad, Frank Dominic Motta, was born. Happy birthday, Dad! My dad was the silent, strong and sturdy sort. My brother and I cherish his pride in us and in our service to the Lord. But we cherish most his love and faithfulness to mom.

And so, in honor of my dad, here are some father thoughts from these “law chapters” in Leviticus:

We know from the BIG TEN, that it is God’s design and desire that we should honor our father and mother. These chapters give us a number of ways to carry out this great command.
  • You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father… (Leviticus 18:7) This is near the beginning of a long list of close relatives (and others) with whom one should not have sexual relations. But I cannot help thinking of how Ham blabbed his father, Noah’s, nakedness, and how Shem and Japheth covered Noah’s nakedness. I uncover my father’s nakedness when I act like Ham and spread the word concerning my father’s sins.
  • You shall rise up before the grayheaded… (Leviticus 19:32) The reason is simple. To rise up in the presence of the elderly (think, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, too!), is to notice them. And to notice them is to honor them! Try standing up when your father walks in sometime. I wonder what kind of look you’ll get.
  • Anyone who curses his father or mother shall surely be put to death. (Leviticus 20:9) Sounds harsh, I know; and few parents—throughout the history of God’s people—have ever carried it out. Nevertheless, the command is there for a reason. Because we are warned not to dishonor our parents with our words, so we know how we can honor them: with our words! When was the last time you spoke about your dad? Did your words honor him?
The heartbeat and focus of all these laws surrounding relationships is simple: love. Here is where “Love your neighbor as yourself” is found (Leviticus 19:18). And your dad is your neighbor!

Until tomorrow,
Pastor Gary

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