Tuesday, November 4, 2014


November 4, 2014

Acts 8-9

Three incredible conversions! Three very different conversions are described in these two chapters: Two came through Philip the evangelist (Acts 8); one came directly through God (Acts 9), although God used Ananias of Damascus to complete it. 

The Conversion of Simon the Magician. Simon was converted un Philip’s preaching in Samaria. Though Acts 8:13 reports that Simon himself believed and was baptized, he found it difficult to shake his desire to wield supernatural power; he offered to pay Peter for the power to lay hands on people and fill them with the Holy Spirit. Peter had to talk sternly with Simon.

The Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch. Following the nudges of the Holy Spirit, Philip found an official of the Court of Queen Candace of Ethiopia parked along the road to Gaza reading from the prophet Isaiah in his chariot. The Spirit nudged again, and Philip went over to him and asked he understood what he was reading. It was Isaiah 53. The Eunuch said he needed some explanation and invited Philip to come up into the chariot and help him. It was not difficult for Philip to point the Eunuch to Jesus from Isaiah 53, and soon, the Eunuch was ready to believe and be baptized. Imagine this, as they were coming up out of the water, Philip was whisked away by the Holy Spirit!

The Conversion of Saul. No evangelist was needed for Saul’s conversion, Jesus arrested (stopped) him Himself. He blinded him, spoke to him, and told him to go into the city and wait. Three days, he waited, until God spoke to one of the Christians in Damascus to go to where Saul was and pray for him. Though reluctant, he went and prayed for “Brother Saul.” (Imagine the faith of Ananias to call Saul—the chief persecutor of Christians—“brother!”) When Ananias prayed, Saul’s eyes were opened. He arose, was baptized and began to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ!

Tomorrow, we’ll read of yet one more awesome conversion!

Your fellow traveler through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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