Friday, October 3, 2014


October 3, 2014

Matthew 8-11

Now that we’ve had a taste of Jesus’ surprising teaching, it’s time to see what He can do. Read Matthew 8-9 and be amazed at His healing ministry, not only the miracles, but the recipients of those miracles: an untouchable leper, a Gentile soldier’s servant, two demon-possessed souls from a Gentile community, a paralytic, a dead girl, a bleeding woman and many more.

Along with the fishermen, Jesus calls a hated, traitorous tax collector to follow Him. Matthew 9:36 sums it up, “When He saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” No one is beyond the scope of Jesus’ love!

In Matthew 10, we meet all Twelve Disciples. They, most probably, had already seen Jesus heal and calm the storm. They were already following Him. But here in Matthew 10, they are named, taught and sent out to minister in Jesus’ name. Read Jesus’ instructions as though he were sending you. If you were standing among them, would you feel prepared for ministry?

Matthew 11 describes John the Baptist’s last wave of doubt. Languishing in Herod’s prison, he sends word to Jesus, “Are you [really] the One who was to come?” Jesus tells his messengers to return to John and report the amazing things Jesus was doing. When they’ve gone, Jesus speaks highly of John, but adds this curious statement: “Yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (11:11) Jesus is alluding to the New Covenant, the New Order, which He is ushering in.

Our reading for today concludes with some of Jesus’ most comforting words: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (11:28)

Let’s all take a deep breath and say, “Thanks.”

Your fellow pilgrim through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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