Monday, October 13, 2014


October 14, 2014

Mark 11-13

So soon have we reached “holy week.”

As Jesus rides into Jerusalem, the people shout bits of the psalms and proclaim the restoration of David’s kingdom. And the next day, Jesus seems to flex the muscles of his authority when he drives the “money-changers” out of the temple, shouting, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations!” Jesus quotes scripture as if it were his own! And, once again, he demonstrates authority over nature by withering a unfruitful fig tree with a curse!

This is too much for the Jewish leaders; they demand to know the source of Jesus’ authority. Jesus sidesteps their question.

Chapter 12 describes Jesus’ tug-of –war with these Jewish authorities. He tells a story, the parable of the wicked tenants, which is obviously designed to convict them. He deftly fields their trick questions. At the end of a long day, he sits down somewhere in the temple to “people-watch” as the crowd give their offerings. Finally, he sees a widow. Knowing she has put in all that she has, he draws his disciples’ attention to her, the most generous of givers.

In Chapter 13, Jesus covers much the same ground as he did in Matthew 24-25. Mark’s version of Jesus Olivet discourse taught the disciples and teaches us to be watchful and ready for the second coming. For Christ could come...

At any moment!

Tomorrow, we finish Mark!

Your fellow pilgrim through the New Testament,

Pastor Gary

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