Monday, August 25, 2014


Ezekiel 33-36

Yes! Finally! The dam breaks, and the promise of restoration for the exiled people of God begins to flow. What a mighty progression of prophetic truth and hope for both Israel and the future grafted-in Israel, the Church, the Body of Christ!

It all begins with a reminder to Ezekiel himself. God has appointed him a watchman, and, as such, he is responsible for raising the alarm. If Ezekiel fails to sound the warning and the people are destroyed, he will be held accountable for their blood. If he is faithful to sound the alarm and the people ignore him, he will not be held accountable for their blood. Jerusalem will fall because they failed to heed the watchman’s warning!

Ezekiel 34 contains both a devastating indictment and the promise of a Savior. The shepherds, the spiritual leaders of Israel have not cared for the sheep or searched for the lost ones; instead, they have ruled harshly and brutally (34:4). Because of this, God promises to come and shepherd the sheep Himself! In describing this “good” Shepherd, God says, “I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he will tend them” (34:23). David is long dead; this is none other than the Messiah of God, even Jesus Christ Himself, the Son of David! He will bring “showers of blessings” and “peace” to the people (34:25-26). Praise the Lord.

After a short reminder of Edom’s total destruction in chapter 35, Ezekiel announces the unbelievable and glorious restoration of Israel in chapter 36. Though the people have been dispersed among the nations, God will “gather [them] from all the countries and bring [them] back into [their] own land.”(36:24) Not only so, but God will cleanse them from sin, remove from them their stony heart, and replace it with a heart of flesh. God will give His Spirit to His people (36:27). Imagine reading these incredible words as an exiled Hebrew! We read these words as New Testament Christians and see the footprints of Jesus all through them! Hallelujah!

Tomorrow, it gets better and wilder! Dem’ bones are gonna rise again!

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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