Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Ezekiel 12-15

In case you missed the departure of the glory of the Lord from the Temple in yesterday’s reading, note these verses: Ezekiel 8:4f; 9:3f; 10:4f; 10:18f; and 11:23. Without the glory, the presence of the Lord, Israel’s fate is sealed. Ichabod!

In Ezekiel 12, he prophesies that the exile is coming. Perhaps then, God’s people will know that the Lord is God (12:15).

In Ezekiel 13, he prophesies against the prophets of Israel, who speak even when the Lord has not spoken to them, who see false visions and speak false words, who cry, “Peace!” when there is no peace (13:10).

In Ezekiel 14, we learn that because of these false prophets and Israel’s idolatry, the four judgments of God are inescapable: sword, famine, beasts and plague. The number four is the number of completeness. This will be complete judgment! But there will be survivors! (14:22)

In Ezekiel 15, Jerusalem is compared with a useless, burned up vine.

No doubt; these are not happy chapters. But don’t forget the glimmer of hope at the end of Ezekiel 14!

Your fellow pilgrim through the Prophets,

Pastor Gary

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