Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Isaiah 9-12

Don’t forget, as we savor the prophecies that point so powerfully to Jesus, the bulk of Isaiah’s message was “bad news” for his contemporaries. Even the promises of the Messiah must have seemed far off and unattainable to them. Isaiah 9:8—10:19 is a relentless prophecy “against” Jacob. As we noted yesterday, Isaiah’s was a tough assignment.

But these chapters (and so many more of Isaiah’s chapters) are great fun for us Christians, because we know that the future hope, the someday Messiah, the restoration of God’s people has arrived in Christ Jesus, the Son of God!

Isaiah 9 begins with the promise that those walking in darkness (us Gentiles) will see a great light (9:2); and that light will come in the form of a little boy: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and his name shall be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!” (9:6)

Isaiah 10 ends with the promise of a “remnant” who will return to God. (10:21)

Isaiah 11 begins with clues as to the identity of the Messiah: “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse (David’s father); [and] the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him…” (11:1-2) The rest of chapter 11 describes the power of the Messiah.

In Isaiah 12, we read words of praise for the saving work of the Messiah: “With joy shall you draw water from the wells of salvation!” (12:3)

Tomorrow, we’ll read Isaiah’s tough words concerning some of the nations around Israel!

Your fellow traveler through the Word,

Pastor Gary

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