Thursday, April 24, 2014


2 Chronicles 13-16
The kings of Judah were…
  • Jeroboam, the foolish first king, who listened to his friends. (2 Chronicles 10-12)
  • Abijah. In 1 Kings, he’s Abijam, who “walked in all the sins” of his father. Here in 2 Chronicles, he defeats Jeroboam, after boldly denouncing the golden calves Jeroboam had erected in defiance of true temple worship!
  • Asa was a king of highs and lows. He removed idols, fortified the cities, trusted the Lord, defeated the Ethiopians and instituted religious reforms. He even deposed in own mother for making an idol to Asherah. In his last years, however, he trusted a pact with Syria rather than his relationship with the Lord. A prophet came to chastise Asa for this, and Asa responded—not by humble repentance—but by throwing the prophet in prison! The unnamed prophet had spoken one of the most powerful sentences in Scripture: The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. (2 Chronicles 16:9). What does God see when he looks at your heart?
Tomorrow, the parade of Judean kings continues!

In Jesus’ love,
Pastor Gary


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