Monday, March 31, 2014

MARCH 31 2 SAMUEL 21-24

2 Samuel 21-24

Here on the last day March, we read the last chapters of 2 Samuel, which recount a fair number of

David’s “lasts” as King of Israel:

David’s final, God-directed, retribution on the house of Saul (21:1-14).

David’s final four giants; defeated by him and his mighty men (21:15-22).

David’s final song of deliverance; notice the repeated use of the word “rock” as a picture of God (22)!

David’s final words, in which he names himself, “Israel’s sweet psalmist;” claims for himself the gift of prophecy; and repeats to himself the “everlasting covenant” of God (23:1-7).

David’s final list of “mighty men” (23:8-39).

David’s final sin is a sin of presumption, when he commands an unauthorized census. As a result, God sends the prophet Gad with three options for punishment. David takes the option that places Israel in God’s hands, rather than in the hands of enemies. God sends a plague that kills 70,000, and it seems as though it will destroy Jerusalem (24:1-14).

David’s final prayer of repentance and intercession helped bring the plague to an end. When the plague ceased, the angel of the Lord was seen on the threshing floor of Araunah (24:15-17).

David’s final act (in 2 Samuel) is to build an altar on this threshing floor, which will one day be the site of Solomon’s temple (24:18-25).

There are a few more “lasts” for David in tomorrow’s reading,

Until then,
Pastor Gary

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