Thursday, March 27, 2014

MARCH 27 2 SAMUEL 8-10

2 Samuel 8-10

These chapters solidify the impression we readers should have by now that God has indeed found in David, “a man after His own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14)

In chapters 8 and 10, we read of his military victories; his faithful defense of God’s people against the godless nations around them.

But it’s in chapter 9 that we see in David a mercy, a loyalty and a faithfulness so deep that Jesus (David’s descendant) shines through. 

Because of the civil wars and political intrigues of the northern tribes, nearly all of King Saul’s descendants had been killed.  Only one, Mephibosheth, a grandson of Saul and a son of Jonathan, survived.  And he had been crippled since childhood. David had made a promise, a blood covenant, with Jonathan to show “steadfast love” to Jonathan’s family forever. (1 Samuel 20:15)

Here in 2 Samuel 9, David seeks any of Saul’s family that might have survived these perilous times, and learns of Mephibosheth. When Mephibosheth is summoned to King David, there’s no telling what he thought would happen to him. But David returns his ancestral lands to him and invites him to eat at the King’s table for the rest of his life. Mephibosheth is dumbfounded, but manages to squeak, “Who is your servant, that you should show favor for a dead dog like me?” (2 Samuel 9:8) 

Many have seen in David’s actions, a picture of Christ’s. We are like Mephibosheth, crippled by sin and undeserving of Christ’s kindness.   But, just as David was faithful to the blood covenant he made with Jonathan, so Jesus is faithful to the blood covenant He made with us. Though crippled by sin, Jesus forgives us and invites us to eat with Him at the King’s table forever!

Tomorrow, we discover that David is not perfect!

Pastor Gary

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