Monday, February 24, 2014


Deuteronomy 12-16

Here is one aspect of Deuteronomy that convinces some scholars that Deuteronomy is not Moses’ work, but rather the product of a much later set of authors.   In Deuteronomy 12, Moses gives clear direction for a permanent residence for God’s house.  He calls it “the place that the LORD will choose.”  (Deuteronomy 12:11, 14, 18, 26).  Levites of David’s day wrote this, they say, to legitimatize David’s choice of Jerusalem for building the temple.

To think this way is to deny the possibility of predictive prophecy.   Question:  what would keep God from giving Moses the wisdom to write about this location ahead of time?  Answer:  Nothing, nothing at all.

What follows in Deuteronomy 13-16 are clear instructions and reminders for what to do with false prophets, separating clean and unclean foods, observing a Sabbath Year (giving the land a rest!), and celebrating the feasts.

Until tomorrow,
Pastor Gary

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