Saturday, February 15, 2014


Numbers 17-20

Time travel.

Between the end of Numbers 19 and the beginning of Numbers 20 there seems to be a large leap in time. Early in their wilderness wanderings, God provided a great visual for the people, so that they might no longer complain about Moses and Aaron’s leadership. God caused Aaron’s staff, representing the tribe of Levi sprout and blossom and grow almonds, but those of the other eleven tribes did not. In Numbers 18 and 19, the newly reaffirmed tribe of Levi (which included the priests) is given more instruction for their ministry.

Numbers 20 picks up 40 years later. This is understood by comparing Numbers 20:22-29 with Numbers 33:38, which place the events of Numbers 20 near the death Aaron toward the end of their desert driftings.

Why is this important? Because God through Moses made water from the “rock” twice:

1. Early on after the Exodus (Exodus 17), Moses struck the “rock” at God’s command, and thirsty people drank, and

2. Later on near the time of Aaron’s passing (Numbers 20), Moses—near the end of his rope and his patience—struck the “rock” twice, when God had said to “speak” to it.

Both times, the miracle had been prompted by thirsty grumpy people needing water, and both times they named the place Meribah, which means “quarreling.” The saddest part of all this was that Moses sin disqualified him from leading the people into the Promised Land.

Time travel to the present.

Let this sad story be a constant reminder. Man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires (James 1:20). Losing one’s temper can lead to losing much more.

Until Monday,
Pastor Gary

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