Monday, January 13, 2014


Monday January 13

Genesis 32-36

As gut-wrenching as it was to "watch" the family dissolution of Genesis 25-31, that is how glorious the peacemaking of Genesis 33 feels! But what did it take to get there?

Obviously, just having God speak to him wasn't enough for Jacob, for God does appear to Jacob in a dream way back in Genesis 28, where God shows Jacob a ladder and renews the Covenant with him. But this did very little to change Jacob; once at Uncle Laban's, he seems little changed. So, what made for the incredibly happy resolution between Jacob and Esau in Genesis 33?

It was the "night at the fights" in Genesis 32! This is Jacob's Waterloo, his "Little Big Horn," his death to self. In fear and uncertainty, he separates himself from all that is dear to him, his possessions, his wives, and his children. Alone, he waits on the far side of the Jabbock. And God does not disappoint him. A man, who was none other than God himself, came and wrestled with Jacob throughout the night. This is God bending low to meet the needs of this deceiving, heel-grabbing, lonely man. Could God have "taken" Jacob? Absolutely? Didn't God already know Jacob's name?" Certainly, but it was important for Jacob to admit to his name as a kind of confession, "Yes, I am a deceiver." Could God have shaken Jacob loose, when Jacob declared, "I will not let you go unless you bless me"? Of course, he could. But those were the very words and attitude that God had been waiting for. When the night was over, Jacob had a new name, Israel (for he struggled with God and men and prevailed!), a new outlook (for he had seen God face to face!), and a fresh limp.

Sometimes, that's just what it takes!

Lord, humble us, that we might be made new by You!

See you tomorrow,
Pastor Gary

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