Wednesday, January 1, 2014

DAY ONE Genesis Chapters 1 & 2

What a joy to read the Word of God together as a congregation!  When we uncover nuggets of wisdom and flashes of insight, we can share them with one another.  When we hit the doldrums of Deuteronomy or the law-lists of Leviticus, we can encourage one another.  I plan to blog a bit each day of 2014.  I may miss a day here or there, but the attempt will help me to be faithful and to be an encouragement for you.

Today’s reading took us back to the beginning.  Some say that these are two separate “creation stories;” I like to describe them as “one creation account within another,” with Genesis 2:4-25 providing details concerning God’s activity on the sixth day of creation described in Genesis 1:24-31. 

How does Genesis 2:7 make you feel?  Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.   Apparently, God was willing to get his hands dirty to make us!

Uh oh, tomorrow, already, sin breaks into the world!

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