Wednesday, January 8, 2014

DAY EIGHT Genesis 18-20

Genesis 18-20
Genesis 20 contains Sister Act 2!

But it’s chapters 18 and 19 that catch our attention and won’t let it them go!

Who were the “three men,” who appeared to Abraham? Apparently, one was the LORD, and two were angels, but all three appeared to Abraham as humans, whose feet could be washed and who could eat a meal, as well!

What news did they bring? Two flashes:
Sarah would give birth to the son of the promise. When Sarah laughed, the LORD took notice and said, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” We must remember that.
Sodom and Gomorrah were about to be destroyed. When God breaks this news, Abraham somehow finds the courage to question and cajole God into agreeing NOT to destroy the towns, if just 10 righteous people can be found. Of course, if it was really God, God knew there weren’t 10 righteous people there, but somehow I think it pleased God for Abraham to care so much.

The angels have quite a time rescuing anyone out of those wicked places. The men of the town seem brutally evil, Lot’s daughter’s husbands-to-be think Lot is joking, and Lot’s wife looks back. Even after he and the daughters escape, he’s too frightened to live again in a town.
How much depended upon Lot’s choices earlier on! And how much depends upon ours!
Until tomorrow,
Pastor Gary


Barb Howard said...

I'm still amazed -- Abraham is such a righteous man yet continues to call Sarah his sister! (lies) I know…it's all God's plan for they are then given land, animals and silver to clear any wrong done. Abimelech did nothing wrong. Abraham did -- but, just my opinion.

Then -- what a story with Lot! Whew! What's up with him offering up his daughters? Where's the 'good' in that?

It all works out….as we know the future story. Trust & obey!

Love your bog Pastor Gary! Thanks for supporting our daily Bible readings! Bless you!

Barb Howard

Thru the Bible with Pastor Gary said...

Perhaps the most amazing support for the accuracy of the Bible accounts is how they clearly display the warts and failings of even the most revered of Bible persons, like Abraham. As for Lot and the girls, that back-story explains some of the future problems between Israel and Moab. God bless you!
