Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DAY 21 EXODUS 7-10

Exodus 7-10

In my other devotions today—I am doing MAPS through the gospel of John—I re-learned this truth: Jesus knew what was coming. He knew, ahead of time, that he would be arrested, mistreated and murdered. He also knew that he would rise from the dead and ascend to the Father. Foreknowledge might not always be a bad thing, even if it includes foreknowledge of bad things.

Similarly, when God forewarns Moses of Pharaoh’s stubborn heart in Exodus 7:1-5, Moses now knows what it is coming. And knowing that it won’t be easy can sometimes be strengthening.

So, it took ten plagues. Ten! They are fun to analyze and categorize. Which ones could the Egyptian magicians imitate? Which ones did NOT touch the Israelites in Goshen? Which seem to soften Pharaoh’s heart? Just remember, God sent these plagues, not just to set His people free, but so that the Egyptians would know that He is the Lord! (Exodus 7:5) Because of this, each plague was designed to debunk one or more of the Egyptian pantheon of gods. Read about this in any good commentary.

I’ve often wondered why Pharaoh wanted “one more night with the frogs.” Moses asks him, “When should I plead for you and your servants, that frogs be cut off from you?” (Exodus 8:9) And Pharaoh says, “Tomorrow.” Maybe, the frog god was one of his favorites!

Until tomorrow,
Pastor Gary

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